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September 03, 2011

And so I left

Mine is an extremely volatile nature. Whenever I live something unfair or amoral, it can blow me out. As a result, the top of my head feels ready to explode. The air pressure can certainly do me harm, but we should remember there's always a bright side to everything - it also gets me going. At the end, this is a balance to another side of my nature, which is quite comfort-prone.
And so I left. Couldn't stand all that inequity in my country. I was also sure I wouldn't have the chance to make a difference after graduation - in Biology, that is. I was wrong, cause twenty years later I saw all my college mates where very well, and they do make a difference. But there was also an intimate and familiar inequity. This added to the curiosity of going for something new - something different.
But the first spark was set by my sister.
There she was, working at this famous salad bar restaurant, and so she pronounced: "Daniela, you're going to Europe." I though, what a joke, and answered cunningly: "Oh, yeah? And how?". She told me she had a friend who wanted to take his yacht to Europe, and was looking for a crew member. Right that moment I took a phone token and called the lad from the nearest public phone. This move changed my life.

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